Your LinkedIn profile is a professional l和ing page for you to manage your own,

个人品牌. 通过展示你的职业经历和成就,这是一个很好的方式来告诉别人你是谁,你做了什么.


你的标题是在LinkedIn个人资料中出现在你名字正下方的第一段文字. 默认设置会用你当前的位置来填充,这对初学者来说是可以的——但它可以是你想要的任何东西. You have 120 characters to work with, so why not add on a little? Think of it as a small billboard advertisement for you 和 what you do. 而不是仅仅列出你的工作头衔, mention your specialty 和 how you benefit your company or customers. For example: Advertising Sales Rep helping clients create winning br和ing strategies. 超过300家成功客户.


在Edit Profile屏幕上, at the bottom of the gray window that shows your basic information, 您将看到一个公共配置文件URL. Click “Edit” next to the URL, 和 specify what you’d like your address to be. 完成后,单击Set Custom URL.

Choose a Professional Head shot as Your Photo

Choose a clear, friendly, 和 appropriately professional image. 一张照片可以很好地传达激情, 能源, 魅力, 同理心, 和 other soft skills that are hard to write about.”


“的 summary section is your primo opportunity to showcase the good stuff about you, 记住你的目标受众. 给他们一点了解你的机会. 所以你认为第一印象会是什么,如果你把你的总结写成一些很长的, 浮夸的言论?“理想情况下, your summary should be around 3–5 short paragraphs long, preferably with a bulleted section in the middle. It should walk the reader through your work passions, 关键技能, 独特的资格, 和 a list of the various industries you’ve had exposure to over the years.”


Your resume isn’t just a list of job duties (or, 至少, it shouldn’t be)—it’s a place to highlight your best 成就. 你在LinkedIn上的个人资料也是如此:确保你的经历部分用重点来描述你所做的事情, 你做得怎么样, 以及它影响了谁.


Recruiters spend countless hours scouring LinkedIn in search of the high performers. And when they find them, they contact said high performers. 知道了这一点, 在你的总结和经历部分,你会很好地把自己推销成一个高绩效的人(想想行动词), 成就, talking about times you’ve been promoted or h和-picked for projects).

Include a Current Job Entry, Even When Unemployed

“如果你在工作经历这一栏只列出了过去的工作,而没有列出现在的工作, 你可能会在大多数搜索中被遗漏. 为什么? Because most recruiting professionals exclusively use the current title box to search for c和idates; otherwise they’d have to sort through thous和s of c和idates who held a certain role (for example, graphic designer) as far back as 20 or more years ago. 简单的解决方法, 如果你失业了, 是在当前部分创建一个虚拟的职位列表,包括你的目标职位-“全日制学生/培训中的金融分析师”-然后在公司名称框中加上“转型中”或“寻求新机会”之类的短语.”


“一张图片胜过千言万语,尤其是在展示你的作品时. LinkedIn允许你在个人资料摘要中添加照片、视频和幻灯片演示. So instead of just talking about your work, you can show examples. 或者用行动展示你自己. 或者分享一个演示. 单击“编辑配置文件”,向下滚动到您的摘要,然后单击框符号,然后“添加文件”.’”


You can do the same thing for each of your work experiences. So, use this to your advantage: Add your company websites, 你参与过的项目, 你起草的文章, or anything else that can provide a more multimedia look at your work.

Add Projects, Volunteer Experiences, or Languages

你会说普通话吗?? 有项目管理证书吗? Volunteer for Dress for Success every weekend? 添加这些“额外的”个人资料功能(当你编辑个人资料时列在左边)是展示你独特技能和经验的好方法,并从人群中脱颖而出.


代言是展示你技能的好方法——只要你的个人资料没有过多的内容,不能真正传达正确的信息. 让他们为你工作的秘诀是让你的技能保持更新:当你在职业之间转换的时候, 培养新技能, 或者承担新的责任, drop outdated skills from your profile 和 add the ones you really want to be known for. Now, when connections l和 on your page, they’ll only see the most relevant skills.


All users can write 和 publish their work on the platform. Share your perspective about what’s going on in your field, 对最近的行业发展发表看法, 或者炫耀你的写作技巧. 这是引起注意的好方法. 如果你有一个WordPress博客, 考虑使用诸如Social Media Auto Publish或WP LinkedIn Auto Publish之类的插件来自动将您的新帖子发布到LinkedIn.

Have at Least 50 Connections (Try to Aim for 500)

在领英上拥有50个或更少的联系人告诉招聘人员以下三件事之一:1)你是一个隐士,认识的人很少, 2) You’re paranoid about connecting with others, or 3) Technology 和 social media are scary to you. 这些都不好. 我们当然不是建议你成为那些把“异常多的人脉”当作荣誉徽章的怪人之一, 但作为起点,你真的应该至少有50-100个与你有联系的人.


LinkedIn提供了所有的花里胡哨的功能,而且不受8的限制.5×11″ confines of your resume, it can be tempting to, well, go nuts. And while details are good, there’s certainly a thing as too much. Step back, take a look at your profile, 和 see how it looks to an outside person. 它是诱人的,还是势不可挡的? 编辑相应的.


Don’t forget to add your email address (or blog, 或推特账号, 或者其他任何你想被找到的地方)到你简历的联系信息部分. You’d be surprised how many people leave this off!


LinkedIn is more than an online resume — it’s a networking social media site. That means to get the most out of it, you need to remain active. 看看其他人都发了什么, 用深思熟虑的评论吸引他们, 和 like 和 share posts that strike you as helpful.


如果你看看你现在的资料, 右手边有一个量规,可以测量“轮廓强度”. Essentially, this is telling you how completely you’ve filled out your profile. Keep adding more 和 using the site’s tips until that gauge rates you “All-Star.” It’s simple, but it can help you see if you’ve overlooked something.


服务 is a new LinkedIn feature that helps consultants, 自由职业者和那些为小型企业工作的人展示他们提供的服务范围. 填写个人资料的“服务”部分可以提高你在搜索结果中的可见度.

Publish Long-Form Content – 和 Use It to Start Conversations

你分享和评论的内容越多, the more you establish your expertise 和 thought-leadership credentials on LinkedIn. Publishing long-form posts is the natural next step to take. 一个很好的起点是监控你的评论和分享得到的反应. 有没有什么特定的主题和观点似乎能与你的社交网络产生共鸣? Are there comments that you have shared which you feel you could exp和 on in a post? 以这种方式发展你的思想领导力可以让它保持真实,并让你参与到你的朋友正在谈论的问题中. Be ready for your long-form posts to start new conversations too. Keep an eye on the comments 和 be ready to respond.

Follow Relevant Influencers for Your Industry

在LinkedIn上关注相关的有影响力的人有助于在你的信息流中放入一系列有趣的内容, which you can then share with others when you think it adds value. 它还有助于为你的LinkedIn个人资料提供背景,展示你对工作的热情.


Sharing is great – but it’s just the starting point. 当你在分享中添加评论时, 你让自己在提要中更加突出,并开始表达为什么你认为某一特定内容很重要. Well-expressed comments also enable you to share a broader range of content. 例如,你可能不同意某个观点,但仍然觉得它很有趣. 能够表达这种观点的评论开始确立你的观点和思想领导力. 这也更有可能吸引更多的评论,从而提升你在LinkedIn上的形象. 当你在写评论的时候要记住这一点——并且确保你说的东西是你很高兴人们和你联系在一起的.

Share Relevant Content from Your LinkedIn Feed

在LinkedIn上拥有一个关系网是一回事,在这个关系网中扮演一个积极的角色要好得多, appearing in your connections’ LinkedIn feeds in a way that adds value for them. 与你的社交网络分享相关内容是最容易做到这一点的方法之一. You can make a start by keeping a close eye on your LinkedIn feed, 分享你真正感兴趣的内容——与你的观点一致.

Use the Checklist Below to Check Your Progress

Linkedin个人资料清单改编自密西西比州立大学职业服务办公室的Linkedin个人资料清单, 的
Muse Website Page’s 的 31 Best Linkedin Profile Tips for Job Seekers, WordTracker’s How to Set Up a LinkedIn Professional Profile, 和
LinkedIn’s 20 Steps to a Better LinkedIn Profile.