
This year serves as the cadet’s first introduction to the Army. 涵盖的主题包括军队礼仪, 军事历史, 基本急救, 基本的步枪射击技术, 土地导航, 用绳索下降, 领导基础, 地图定向越野比赛, 实地培训, 举行盛大的仪式. These courses are open to non-ROTC students without military obligation. 



The second year is an expansion of the topics taught in the first year of the program. Cadets are introduced to tactics, troop leading procedures, basics of operations orders, and ethics. These courses are open to non-ROTC students without military obligation. 



The course sequence in this year is mainly focused on the application of leadership and small-unit tactics. Cadets are assigned rotating leadership positions within the school battalion and are evaluated on their performance and leadership abilities while in those positions. Third year cadets practice briefing operations orders, 执行小单位战术, 领导和参加体育锻炼, and preparing for successful performance at the five-week leader development and assessment course during the summer following the third year. 该课程是强制性的. 



This is the final year of the ROTC program and the main focus is preparing cadets to become successful lieutenants in the United States Army upon graduation and commissioning. Senior cadets apply for their branches (career fields) of interest in the fall and receive the branch results from the ROTC selection board in the winter. Cadets are assigned cadet battalion staff positions and are responsible for evaluating MSIII cadets and executing training operations and missions.